When Love Wins | Jessica Frew


Jessica Frew is a wife, ex-wife, mom, and step mom. She is a lover of all things active, a member of the LDS church, and a fellow podcaster. During her first marriage her husband struggled with pornography and coming to terms with the fact that he is gay. They stayed married for years after he acknowledged these issues and ultimately they ended up getting a divorce.

Today Jessica, her ex, and her husband considers her divorce one of the things she is most proud of in her life. On their podcast Husband In Law, all three of them share their stories of love, marriage, infidelity, coming out, divorce, dating and second marriages. In this episode Jessica shares with us her story!

She lives her life un-apologetically. She has a book called " It's Not You, It's Me", a guide to taking yourself out of other people's drama.

You can find more about Jessica at husband_in_law


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