What is Slow Fashion | Delee Cox

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When it comes to fashion really all have the same problem...  Closets full of clothes and nothing to wear! Right?!!

Wardrobe stylist Delee taught us what slow fashion is and how to implement it in our lives and closets. 

Slow fashion is a mindset shift.  Look at your closet. How do you wear your clothes? How do you care for your clothes? AND how do you discard those clothes? Do you consume consciously?

We talked about 3 ways to find our personal style like Stacey London:

  1. Comfort.   What makes us feel comfortable in our skin what works best for your body and lifestyle.
  2. Style.  How to make proportions work for our body style things in a while to look current and stylish.
  3. Self-expression. What message do these clothes say?  Embrace your body and there is beauty in being yourself.

Who is ready to overhaul your closet now? 

You can find more of Delee over at @thestylistnextdoor_ut

Delete also recommends watching the documentary the "True Cost" on amazon prime to learn even more.

We will also be adding a list of all her favorite places to shop sustainable fashion in our private Facebook group.





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