The Power of Yet | Alexis Morgan

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Welcome to the first episode of our new series called "Come Home & Talk".

We explain in more detail what this is all about in this episode. We are very excited to be sharing more of our very own personal "specific skill set" with you all!

Don't all women need better communication skills and home design tips?! YES, please.

We jump right in with Alexis talking about the power of the word YET.

When you find yourself in a situation where you don’t know how to do something, or you haven’t accomplished what you desire…it’s: I don’t know how to do that YET. I haven’t accomplished that YET.

It is possible. You can get there!

Remember some things take time to learn and are worth waiting and working towards.

The word YET makes something achievable. It puts the you back in the driver seat of your life.

Alexis shares some personal examples where she has applied this concept. It is so helpful to start expanding our thinking. She helps us think about how to change our thinking from can't to can. This concept can sometimes be hard for adults set in their ways

**Challenge this week to add the word 'yet' and see how it deeply impacts your life!

You can find more of Alexis on social media: @realtalk.alexis