Learning To Navigate Your Midlife Unraveling | Sandra Wood

Dorx's Copy (26)


This conversation was so open & honest. We were truly moved by Sandra's journey...

This episode covers SO many amazing moments/topics... (briefly noted below.)

**Midlife Unraveling

**Learning to let go of the things that aren't serving you

**Overcoming the overwhelm

**The power of counseling

**Cancer journey


*Healing by telling her story.

**What it means to be a co-creator in your life.


Bio: Sandra Wood is a relationship expert, certified life coach, author, entrepreneur and empowerment teacher. She helps women navigate challenges and change through both divorce and mid life unraveling. She helps women who are overwhelmed and at a breaking point so they can gain calm, clarity and confidence and move forward with empowered action and purpose.

She has been supporting women for over seventeen years and has learned through her own life challenges which include cancer, divorce, and single parenting. She has developed high impact programs for women and runs local support groups in her community.

Sandra has worked in many roles including being a doula (for women in labor), child birth educator and worked several years in the nonprofit industry in leadership roles. She worked in the health care industry supporting cancer patients to get holistic and alternative health care to reduce the burden of cancer treatment. She has a special interest in emotional intelligence and is a yoga and meditation teacher.  This past year, she became a published author in a compilation book called, Transforming Your Life.

She is passionate about helping women become more fulfilled in their lives and stepping into their own freedom and power.

Sandra Wood provides a pathway for women to use in times of chaos and change as a catalyst for personal empowerment and transformation.