7 Things To STOP Doing Right Now In Your Conversations | Alexis Morgan

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Come Home & Talk Series featuring Alexis

Have you ever walked away from a conversation and thought, what happened? Or maybe you thought, I nailed that. I got exactly what I wanted.

Either way, chances are you utilized a method during that conversation that did not help your overall goal.

In this conversation, Alexis and Kirsten dive into strategies/maneuvers/moves/methods that people employ on a regular basis because they think it will get them what they want, but it's actually not serving them at all.

We invite you to come and listen, get honest in your reflection, and then...grow.

Send us a message and let's continue the conversation.

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For more communication insights find Alexis Morgan on Instagram

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Below are two resources referenced during the episode.

Terry Real's Book: The New Rules of Marriage: What you need to know to make marriage work.

Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife: www.finlayson-fife.com