Our Personal Experiences with DEPRESSION

Dorx's Copy (19)

1 in 3 Adults struggle with some type of depression. You are NOT alone-

We get deeply personal in this episode as we each share our own journey, struggles, pain, and connection through our experiences. ⁣

**Warning: This episode may be triggering. ⁣Please skip if needed.

⁣ Our purpose is to be helpful and open and share what has worked or has not worked for us, and how it is different for everyone. ⁣ We want to break away the stigma, shame, and judgement. To not be afraid to share what many experience everyday. ⁣ ⁣ "We will never heal if we don't talk about what hurts".



Find information on the book and Tedtalk discussed in this episode here:

Lost Connections ⁣

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