Home for the Holidays

Dorx's Copy (45)

Protecting our peace of mind during the holidays is so important. Let's all get that picture out of your mind of how things are "supposed to be" and just let them be. Yeah we know....easier said than done!

In this episode Kirsten and Alexis share some experiences and discuss how they have chosen to let go of expectations (of self and others) and how to be flexible with the holiday "shoulds".

What are some of your traditions that you keep and which do you let go? How do you navigate spending time with two families in one city during the holidays? How do you create new memories within your immediate family? What is important and what is not? How do you involve your kids? What are things you might struggle with saying no to?

So remember... acceptance, boundaries, compromise, and good communication are how you stay sane and joyful during this time of year!

May you all have a wonderful and enjoyable Holiday Season. XOXO

Kirsten & Alexis


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