Conversations: Learning to Observe | Alexis Morgan

Dorx's Copy (15)

In this Come Home and Talk Series conversation, Alexis takes Kirsten through the part of a conversation where she can learn to observe is she feels safe or not. Knowing if you feel safe in the conversation I feel comfortable being honest, why or why not? Does the other person feel safe to share? This skill is called Learning to Look. It's one that often overlooked, but it's ESSENTIAL if you want to learn HOW to have hard conversations.

(And from our experience, life is learning about HOW to have conversations---the easy, the hard, and all parts in between).

Learning to notice body cues, emotions, physical responses in ourselves is a key part in determining HOW to proceed when we've entered a hard conversation.

The other part of this process is learning to understand the other person's behavior.

What does it mean when my teen goes silent?

What does it mean when my co-worker starts trying to control the conversation or collaboration experience?

How do I proceed when my spouse is clearly upset? What can I say to help?

We hop you come join the conversation.
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Alexis Morgan is a communication consultant focusing on individuals and organizations. She helps both work through communication patterns and issues, leadership development needs, and creating couragous cultures.
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