Aging Your Way

Dorx's Copy (36)

Ripped from the headlines: Golden Girls vs. Sex and the City Reboot ('And Just Like That'). What does being golden today really look like? A photo comparing the two groups of women got this discussion going!

We chat about going gray young and why more women (Kirsten included!) are embracing their gray hair. Sarah Jessica Parker has recently joined the gray club as well.

Aging: the cultural fight vs being you!

We feel media needs more Representation of women aging. Those trying to age gracefully love seeing people our age who look like us. (wrinkles and all)

Alexis shares some scientific data with aging. We talk about the BILLION dollar anti-aging industry.

There are some Pro-Aging "Ambassadors" starting to appear on instagram these days.

Paulina Porizkova is a former model who said, "I believe our aging faces and bodies are not caving ceilings that need to be fixed. It's only a different kind of beauty which is not quite accepted or seen. It's a kind of beauty to be celebrated and embraced for its change. We all have personal preferences, but it doesn’t negate the beauty of each. We must applaud one another."

@paulinaporizkov @silverstrandsofglitter

**We want to reiterate that we feel you should do exactly what makes you feel best about yourself.

*Let's not forget AGEING is a privilege
As always we close with our question: Who is a woman past or present, that has impacted your life and HOW?

Send us your answer to the question to be shared on an upcoming episode.


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