Bienvenue Monique

Dorx's Copy (5)

Sharing Her Journey is SO excited to welcome Monique Hale to the podcast as one of our permanent MONTHLY co-hosts. This woman has lived many lives...both in America and France. She is admirable in so many ways, and has handled her journey with grace and beauty. Oh, and she is kindly blunt and funny too!

Monique was born and raised in France with many brothers and sisters. She was raised in a strict home where her father exposed her to nature, art, architecture, and travels. Her mother encouraged her and her siblings in all of their ambitions. After high school, she spent a year in America...which she had always wanted to discover! Monique then decided to stay and pursue studies in Interior Design. {This is where she meets Kirsten:}

After spending nearly 2 decades in the USA,  she moved back home to France so her children would grow in her beautiful culture and language. After leaving her husband, she stayed in France because of the great support system she has there.

Monique loves to express herself through art by drawing, taking pictures, composing floral arrangements, or decorating interiors.

Each decade of life, has brought its own set of challenges and truths. Her forties have been the most revealing years.

Monique also invests in small real estate properties in France, to plan for the future and she has created her own line of textiles.

Find Monique's Textile company HERE


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