Relationship Goals

In this episode we chat all about relationships…From spouses to children. Collette had just returned from a relationship retreat in Jamaica with her husband Russell and she shares all the takeaways she learned with us. We talk about masculine vs feminine and how this pertains to a realtionship and impacts greatly how you interact. We…

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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

What are some things that scare you? Have you ever been afraid to try new things? Maybe Travel solo? Even just going to lunch or the movies alone can be hard for some people. How could this help you grow? Have you wanted to try a new sport or start a new business? In this…

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When You Feel Like You’re Not Good Enough | Brittany Alysia

Brittany has been through some major hardships in her life. She has come out strong, brave, courageous, and learning she has always been good enough! Her story has many twists and turns. She has been through SO much!! Lots of scary life events from a brain tumor, cervical cancer, coping with a serious accident her…

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Inspiring Spotlight

Collette had the amazing opportunity to meet and spend some time with Nick Santonastasso. He talked to her kids about mindset, and even wrestled with Russell. Nick was born with Hanhart Syndrome, a genetic disorder which stunts growth of limbs in babies, often leaving them with undeveloped organs. The survival rate for those with the…

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Personaility Assessments: The Key to Understanding Yourself | Mandy Keene

Mandy has been coaching client of all ages and backgrounds, personally and professionally, for more than twenty years. She received much of her professional training by working directly with numerous high-profile and pioneering trainers in the motivational and self-development industries and has more than 30,000 hrs of one on one coaching experience. Mandy’s mission is…

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How to Have Limitless Energy | Dr. Kelly Shockley

Kelly Shockley is a doctor of CAUSE (chiropractic) board certified in sports medicine and specialized in clinical nutrition. She owns a clinic in Colorado, loves jiu-jitsu, kick-boxing, hiking, and is a recovering ultra marathon runner. She is also full-time single mama of an active 9 yr. old boy. Kelly’s story goes back to her childhood…

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New Year, Same You

Our first episode of 2021 with just the 3 of us catching up after the holidays and chatting about the New Year and how we plan to embrace our current selves. We talk about our hopes, intentions, and more! ———————— Be sure to follow us on… Facebook Instagram And join our Facebook Group

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Finding Gratitude After a Series of Tragedies | Kari Gray

Kari Gray grew up in Washington, has 6 children and 10 grandkids. Loves to read, swim, & watching her kids play sports.  She is one of the most joyful, happiest people you will meet. We were in awe at what she has overcome in her life. She lost both her parents at a young age…

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