Coping with Isolation as a Stay-at-Home Mom | Ashley Dickerson

Ashley Dickerson is a stay at home mom who is passionate about Jesus, her husband Todd, and their 3 girls. She calls them her Dickerson Divas! Yes, Todd is totally outnumber by his girls but together they embrace that girly lifestyle and love living life with their babies. Ashley is currently building an online group…

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Sharing Her Journey Book Club

Have you ever read a book and it impacted you so much that you thought everyone must read it too?! Well, this was that for us, so we decided to share some of our very favorite parts and why it meant so much to us and how it relates in EVERY way to our podcast…

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Mom on a Mission | Monica Tanner

Monica is a wife, mom of 4 small humans, a weekly podcaster at On the Brighter Side and a Marriage Enthusiast. She loves researching what makes a strong and healthy relationship and sharing that knowledge with anyone who will listen. Her newest endeavor is helping women feel more love, romance, passion, pleasure and intimacy in…

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The Startup Wives Club: Life With an Entrepreneur

In this episode, we all talk about our individual journeys as wives of entrepreneurs. Each of our husbands has never worked for an employer! Starting a business can be scary, risky, and overwhelming. Supporting a spouse behind the scenes is not always easy. There are definitely “seasons” in the process of building a startup business.…

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Split Jeans

In this episode we talk about all the crazy diets we have tried in the past (and there were some CRAZY ones!) and how we have managed our health by finding a good balance between clean eating, exercise, and good mental health. None of us are perfect at it, but these are some of the…

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Dealing With and Conquering Anxiety | Tara Bixby

We loved sitting down with Tara and talking about the modern-day health epidemic we call anxiety… Tara Bixby is a Licensed Professional Counselor, the voice behind courageously.u, a fierce mental health advocate, an anxiety enthusiast, and, most importantly, an everyday girl who gets it. After struggling alone for years, she did the work, learned the…

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Babies and Toddlers

Although all our little babies and toddlers have grown up, we look back with great memories and a little bit of sadness from when our babies were babies. The years really fly by so fast! We understand that the days can seem long and tiresome, but oh so rewarding. There is nothing like being woken…

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When Your Harshest Critic is YOU | Jen Bobodzhanov

“Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health disorder in which you can’t stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can’t be seen by others.” Ever since she was a young girl, Jen Bobodzhanov struggled with her own self-image. In her eyes, she…

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Mom guilt

Mom guilt. We all experience it and it’s never fun. As we go about the hustle and bustle of life we aren’t always able to be there for our kids like we want (or they expect!) to be. But by making the effort to be present when we are with the littles as often as…

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