Running away to the French Riviera

Have you ever wondered what a girls trip to the French Riviera would be like? Join us today as Monique shares about her latest vacation with her girlfriends to the Riviera. She lives just a short drive from the either coast. How would that be?! We talk French vacations. July & August are months to…

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Golden Heartstrings

Join Kirsten and Jen as they talk about why Jen hired her first life coach….(spoiler alert: it was her mom) They also talk about kids these days and how their inner critics are wreaking havoc in their lives and how we need to teach them to have the freedom to experience emotions. All of them.…

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Living a Beautiful Life the French Way

Monique is back today from Dijon, France to share a glimpse into the French Lifestyle. She tells us all about the ‘Cafe Life’ that the French people live…what it is, what it means to her and how it enhances her life. (It involves meeting artists to draw, connect, and sip Italian chocolate in front of…

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Word of the Year for Your Enneagram Type

Today Gina and Kirsten discuss each Enneagram number and the 2 words of focus for 2023 by each type. Continuing on our series of intention setting for the year. Do you have your word yet? 1 Soften/ Trust 2 Courage/ Desire 3 Support/ Soften 4 Connect/ Instinct 5 Express/ Desire 6 Play/ Leap 7 Routine/…

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2023 Home Refresh Ideas & Trends

As soon as the Holiday decor goes down, and January is here, many of us feel like our homes need an update or refresh. In this episode Kirsten shares easy tips for making your home FEEL better. She also talk about trends for 2023 and paint colors of the year. ***Happy 3 year Anniversary to…

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Finding Your Word

In this week’s episode Jen guides Kirsten through a series of questions to help her and (YOU!) discover your 2023 “word of the year”. 1 If money was not an issue, how would you spend your time? 2 What does this world need more of? 3 What are you working towards that you could use…

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When Your Harshest Critic is YOU | Jen Bobodzhanov

“Body dysmorphic disorder is a mental health disorder in which you can’t stop thinking about one or more perceived defects or flaws in your appearance — a flaw that appears minor or can’t be seen by others.” Ever since she was a young girl, Jen Bobodzhanov struggled with her own self image. In her eyes,…

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Avoid the Holiday Drama by Enneagram Type

Today Kirsten is joined by her NEW co-host and Enneagram expert Gina Gomez. They talk about tips to thrive through the Holidays by your enneagram type. Gina takes us through each number by Triad Centers. {Body is 8, 9, 1} {Heart is 2, 3, 4} {Mind is 5, 6, 7} Gina and Kirsten share some…

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Overcoming Overwhelm

We are so excited to have Jen Bobodzhanov with us on the podcast every month now! Her episodes will be the first week of each month Today we unpack one of the causes of overwhelm and how to solve for it, just in time for the Holidays. + The cause of overwhelm (Spoiler: It’s NOT your…

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Bienvenue Monique

Sharing Her Journey is SO excited to welcome Monique Hale to the podcast as one of our permanent MONTHLY co-hosts. This woman has lived many lives…both in America and France. She is admirable in so many ways, and has handled her journey with grace and beauty. Oh, and she is kindly blunt and funny too!…

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