Club Moms

Dorx's Copy (8)

How many of you feel like all your extra time and money goes towards being a "CLUB" mom? Is it worth it all?

If you are a dance mom, cheer mom, club basketball, or club V-ball we understand how draining it is to be at a competition all.weekend.long!! It is so tyring sitting all day long. Haha...From traveling out of town to the competition, doing all the makeup and hair, making sure you arrive early and on time,'s a lot. But we love the life lessons our children learn, the bonds they make, and the memories we cherish. Sometimes the parents can also be a bit entertaining and over the top.

In this episode we talk about our experiences and give some advice. The good, the bad, and the funny!!
(Currently we are a Dance mom, Club Volleyball mom, and Club Soccer mom)
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