Connecting with your TEEN and with YOURSELF | Brooke Romney

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This week's episode is ALL about CONNECTION. We are positive there is a message for every soul within this conversation.

Learning from Brooke's life experiences, we discuss:

+the value and HOW to step outside your comfort area to meet new people,

+the belief that there is a seat for every women at the table,

+learning HOW to connect with your teenager,

+the gift of working through feedback,

+being true to yourself through life's experiences.

As Kirsten and Alexis are both mom's to teenagers and Brooke is too, the pieces of the teen convo are so needed. As Brooke shares, we need to create space for mom's to talk about their normal experiences while raising kids. It's essential.

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Brooke Romney is a writer, speaker, educator, and connector. She is published in numerous print and online publications. She currently speaks on the Time Out For Women circuit and is author of two books: "I Like Me Anyway" and "52 Modern Manners for Today's Teens." Both can be purcashed via Amazon.