Creating a Home You Love


Today more then ever our homes have become refuges from today's crazy times.

"Our homes have the power to nurture and support us, or drain and discourage us."

We talk about ways our home can center us, bring comfort, and security. It is so important to learn to love the space we are in, regardless of the size or budget. Being able to express ourselves and our style by surrounding ourselves with order and things we love is so important to our well being.

Kirsten works full time as an Interior Designer and has had the opportunity to work with both Nicole and Collette to transform their homes, one room at a time. She talks about where you can start, what to start with, and how to create homework spaces. We discuss what to do if you are starting a new build, as well as small things you can do to make your current space function better, as well as why window treatments and art are way underrated. Deciding HOW you live in a home is also a good place to start. Nicole and Collette tell us a little about some rooms they had re-modeled or re-designed and how it affected them.

If you would like more tips and ideas or to find more of Kirsten's work you can find her on...
