Educational Leader And Advocate | Debbie Critchfield

Dorx's Copy (22)

Our conversation with Debbie offers an inside look into all topics education. From rural to urban schools, advocacy, empowering parents, full-day kindergarten, funding channels, and the vision for improving high school experiences and creating high school graduates with the resilience to become successful may need to listen twice to get all the intellectual goodness that's within this episode. Debbie Critchfield is running for, what she proclaims is the most important political office, second only to the governor: Superintendent of Public Instruction.

This isn't your typical conversation with a candidate. This is an indepth, real questions asked, behind the scences scoop into who Debbie is, what she believes and desires for students, educators, parents, and patrons, how she got to where she is right now, and why she beleives she is the best way forward for _____ growth in education for all Idaho students.

We invite all listeners, regardless if you're an Idahoan or not, to listen to this conversation.

Topics discussed will help you within your local communities. You'll be given tools for how to move forward with advocating for your kids, ideas for your local areas, and questions to ask your local educational leaders.

Questions post episode, please send us an email at:

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About Debbie:

Debbie Critchfield is the former President of the Idaho State Board of Education and seven-year board member. Debbie was Co-Chair to Governor Little’s Education Task Force and committee chair for Governor Otter’s Higher Education Task Force. She was a school board member in Cassia County for ten years, five as chair, and was on the executive committee for the Idaho School Board’s Association. She chaired the Re-Open Idaho Schools and was a member of the Governor’s K-12 council. She is a former library trustee and Arts Council president. She’s worked as the Public Information Officer for Cassia School District for the last 9 years. A fourth-generation farm family, Debbie and her husband of 30 years Dave, live in Oakley, where they raised their four children.

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