Ennea-WHAT?! Understanding the Enneagram Personality Profile | Ashton Whitmoyer – Ober

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Have you heard of the ENNEAGRAM??!

It is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. It has 9 personality types and maps each of these on a diagram.
We dive into all things enneagram in this episode with expert Ashton! She talks about how it to use the enneagram as a TOOL that you can use to become a better version of yourself. It can help you realize why you (and others) do things the way that they do. We can use it to grow into who we were created to be.

Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober is a certified Enneagram Consultant and Public Speaker. She has a MA in Psychology. Ashton has her own Enneagram and life coaching business, Enneagram Ashton. Ashton is a writer and wrote a book on the Enneagram for relationships. She lives in central Pennsylvania with her husband, sweet baby girl, and rescue puppy. Her "type" is a 2W3.
You for sure will want to check out her popular instagram account! She has fun graphics on all the 9 types and you can also find her there for enneagram consulting.

Find Ashton @enneagramashton

Find her book hereĀ 'Enneagrams for Relationships'