Everyone Loves Nipples! | Dannie Nicholson

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Dannie is a mom of 3 boys, divorced and remarried, a breast cancer survivor, barre3 instructor, an artist, an areola micro pigmentation specialist specialist and a Christian. All of these things have come together and created the opportunity to empower breast cancer survivors-and all women-to rebuild after trauma (whether from cancer or other circumstances). She is Idaho's first areola micro pigmentation specialist! She has seen over 350 patients and started a non-profit Tit For Tat Collective aimed at helping breast cancer survivors with all aspects of recovery and treatment, also providing services to those who cannot afford the procedure.

Through Dannie's experience as a Barre3 instructor over the past 2 years, she has learned that many women (not just cancer survivors) are at odds with their bodies. Her goal is to creat a safe space for ALL women to begin to put themselves back together so that true, meaningful and lasting healing can begin and flourish. This begins with self-love for everyone.

You can find Dannie and her photography and micropigmentation contact info. at dannienicholson.com and instagram @whatablessedmess


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