Finding Courage | Nickola Bales

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Nickola lives in South Africa, near the Kruger National Park. She was raised in Zimbabwe and grew up on a farm. She is a newly single mom of 2 children age 3 and 6. She is passionate about wildlife, photography and helping other women with their businesses. Before the pandemic hit she had a profitable photography studio which came to a grinding halt. Her story is one of many ups and downs. One of the biggest lessons she's learned in life, is that we don't always have control over the circumstances or situations we might find ourselves in, but what we do have control over, is the choices we make as to how we handle them, how we respond to them and how much power we give it over our lives. Having come out the other end of divorce, loss, and most recently an armed robbery, she has and is currently experiencing massive transformation in her life, living every day with gratitude for just being alive. Hold onto your seat for this interview!

You can find Nickola Bales at:

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Instagram: @nickolabales

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