How You’re Impacting Your Family Culture

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Creating the culture you desire in your home is an essential aspect of family life. Do you know how to do that? During the episode, you'll hear Alexis share what culture entails, how parenting is a form of leadership and how communication is intertwined with culture and parenting.

Alexis shares an exciting upcoming project she's working on and how listeners can get in on that project. The project is a workshop and all details are shared within the episode. UPDATE: The FEE (which is a donation to the Ukrainian War Relief Efforts) is whatever you would like to donate. You determine the amount.

To contact Alexis, email her at: or send her a DM on Instagram.

Be sure to follow along for upcoming dates, available spots, and important info... on our Instagram @sharingherjourney and find Alexis on Instagram @realtalk.alexis