I Can. I Will. I Must. | Kaci Brown


After Kaci's husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor her family's life was turned upside down.

Kaci's incredible journey is so inspiring! She is an entrepreneur who has grown her business to over 7 figures all during this difficult time in their life, all while raising her young family and helping take care of her husband.

You'll be as awed as we were on Kaci's indomitable spirit, reliance on God, and sheer will to overcome life's most trying challenges over the last 9 years.

*After this episode was recorded during her husband's recent MRI scans the medical team found some flares of activity, so they are going in for surgery again soon. Prayers are with them all as they face this new battle.

Her families new mantra with this new battle is "I can. I will. I must"

Find more of Kaci @kacibrownhq and @amplifymyimpact



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