Our Favorite Things

Dorx's Copy (4)

In this episode we share with you some of our favorite things for Holiday gift ideas or just for yourself! We talk about party ideas, gift exchanges, group gifts, and how we as women take on a lot of the shopping stress, BUT don't have to do it all.

We also talk about our upcoming ONE YEAR Anniversary of the podcast and what we have learned, favorite shows, and what we are excited for sharing this next year!! We are just getting started! We are so honored and grateful for all of YOU being here and joining us on this journey.

We also cannot wait for our special anniversary guest next week!!!

Click on the links below for some of our favorite things:

Hair Turban

Scalp stimulator

Hair ties

Geometry towels 


Beanies from an Olive Grove

Sorel boots

Synergy Kombucha

The Chocolat Bar (they ship!)


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