Personaility Assessments: The Key to Understanding Yourself | Mandy Keene

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Mandy has been coaching client of all ages and backgrounds, personally and professionally, for more than twenty years. She received much of her professional training by working directly with numerous high-profile and pioneering trainers in the motivational and self-development industries and has more than 30,000 hrs of one on one coaching experience.

Mandy's mission is to EMPOWER people to stop giving their power away, and tap into their own intuition to guide them.

Mandy shares how we can use the power of assessments in business and in life. From Disc, to Enneagram, Myers Briggs, Strengths finder, to the 5 Love Languages they are all so helpful in navigating relationships and getting to know ourselves better.

We also talk about her personal journey of course, leaving a tumultuous relationship, and ultimately finding the love of her life, her husband Kurtis.

Book recommendation: "When the Body Says No" by Gabor Mate

You can find more of Mandy on instagram @mandyjkeene and Facebook @ Mandy Keene
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