Ripple Effect | Shauna Sauer

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Shauna Sauer is a Mom to 5 and Nonna to 3 grandkids with 2 more on the way. She has experienced much in her life including the divorce of her parents, losing her dad to suicide, becoming a step-mom, starting her own business with her husband, and graduating college with 3 small kids. All of these experiences prepared her for her biggest challenge, which happened in 2012 when she lost her oldest daughter in a texting and driving accident. Taylor Sauer was headed home from college when she decided to start texting and posting on social media. Her final post read, "Driving and Facebooking is not safe, haha." The accident got a lot of media attention, which in turn helped the Sauer Family change the laws about texting and driving in Idaho with the state recently passing a Hands Free law. Since the accident Shauna has shared her story with hundreds at schools, companies, driver's ed classes, church groups, and many others. She continues to share the story of how Taylor's decision to use her phone affected her family and hopes to change how people both young and old view this deadly addiction. Texting and driving creates a ripple effect...But Taylor's story also has created a positive Ripple Effect by Shauna sharing her story and saving so many lives. We were so honored to hear Shauna and Taylor's story and hope you share this with others and remember to "PUT IT DOWN" Don't let your send be the end... You can find more info. on the Facebook page Taylorscorner and also at