Starting Over at 42 and Finding True JOY | Millen Livis

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This episode with Millen is truly inspiring. She has so many stories interwoven throughout her journey here to the United States from Lithuania (former USSR). She overcomes all odds....It started in her home country, where she wanted to become a physicist but was discouraged and discriminated against over and over. She finally decided she needed to come to the US in order to live the life she wanted. She had to leave everything behind. Once here, Millen had to teach herself English. After much hard work, she went on to have a successful career, but at 42 found herself unhappy and unfulfilled. She filed for divorce and left everything to once again start over. There is so much packed into this episode that is crucial to women everywhere to learn. We talk about how to have a wealth mindset, why financial dependence is important, strategies to implement, abundance mindset and more. We discuss the importance of trusting your inner voice. We know this episode will get you thinking that ANYTHING is possible, if you decide to go after it. _________________ MILLEN LIVIS is a Financial Independence mentor, best-selling author, investor, and entrepreneur. Graduate of the acclaimed Wharton Business School, holder of a Master’s Degree in Physics, certified NLP practitioner, and certified Instant Miracle energy healer, Millen combines her traditional and holistic education to help professional and entrepreneurial women become Financially Independent and retire early, so that they enjoy more choices and more freedom, without having to worry about money! She does this by using the MILLENaire Method (her time-tested holistic system for creating Financial Independence). Millen has been financially independent for over 10 years, happily remarried, and lives in resort-like locations in the South of France and South Florida (50/50). You can find her: Facebook Instagram Website